API: Basics
Freckle’s RESTful API enables your application or script to access entries (list/search, create, update, delete, mass import), projects (list, read, create, update, delete, archive, activate), tags (list) and users (list, read, create, update, deactivate, get avatar).
Jump to: Libraries | URLs | Authentication | Response codes | Roles | Data formats | Field formats | API Test Account
Many applications use the Freckle API every day, among them web applications like Beanstalk, GitHub and Planscope, native mobile and desktop applications like Pigment and Punch as well as many internal applications that our customers write to integrate with other software and services. Be creative!
Freckle’s API docs are on Github: if you find an error or omission in the API documentation, you can help fix it quickly by cloning the Freckle API docs GitHub repository and submitting a pull request!
API limitations
We plan to extend and adapt the API to allow access to more resources in the future. If you have any questions or feedback, please don’t hesitate to use the big blue feedback button on the left. Currently, there are no APIs for timers, expense tracking, invoices or assigning freelancers to projects. If you have specialized needs for an API, let us know!
There are no API call limits in place, but we reserve the right to lock out abusive clients that call the API too often. Use common sense, caching, and don’t do expensive API calls (mostly listing a lot of entries) too often.
Naming client applications
If you plan to release a public client app for Freckle (such as a native mobile app, regardless if it’s paid-for or free) you’re welcome to do so. Do not name apps “Freckle” or “Freckle for <platform>”. Please contact us first with more details about your app if you want to use “Freckle” or the Freckle logo as name or icon of your app!
Freckle API Libraries
There are several 3rd-party open source libraries for popular languages available:
- Ruby: letsfreckle-client
- Python: ipmb/freckle
- Node.js: nodefreckle
- Clojure: clj-freckle
Additionally, the command-line tool Pippi can log time and access other API functionality, which is great if you want to use the Freckle API from a shell script.
These are 3rd-party libraries and Freckle can't provide support for them. Please contact the library authors directly if you need help with these.
Accessing the Freckle API uses the following URL schema:
Where subdomain is the subdomain of the account you want to access and resource is the resource (e.g. entries, projects, tags, users and so on).
For example, getting a list of projects from the “apitest” account via JSON would result in the URL:
Resources are normally accessed via SSL only. Some resources can also be accessed through a regular HTTP request.
An authentication token is needed for accessing the API. This token authenticates a specific user of the account and can be found in “settings & tools > API” in the Freckle user interface. Treat authentications tokens like passwords!
A user can reset the API token at any time—be sure to handle authentication errors in your application.
The token has to be sent for each request your application makes to the Freckle API.
There are two ways to send the token—examples are given using the cURL command line tool:
As query parameter named token
curl -v https://apitest.letsfreckle.com/api/projects.json?token=lx3gi6pxdjtjn57afp8c2bv1me7g89j
As HTTP header X-FreckleToken
curl -v -H "X-FreckleToken:lx3gi6pxdjtjn57afp8c2bv1me7g89j" https://apitest.letsfreckle.com/api/projects.json
For better readability of URLs, in this documentation the HTTP header method will be used for the cURL examples. It’s generally also a good idea to use the HTTP header method if you wrap Freckle API calls in a library or module in your code.
In order to make it easier for users to authenticate in interactive client applications
such as on mobile devices, the token can be retrieved via the
API method by using HTTP Basic Auth with the
user's email and password. See the Users section for more information.
Response codes and error handling
A call to the API can result in one of five different outcomes:
Everything works fine—a HTTP status code in the 200 range is returned; for reads and updates
200 OK
and for newly created resources201 Created
(which also return aLocation
header pointing to the newly created resource).Authentication fails or the user’s role doesn’t permit an action:
401 Unauthorized
. If your application is an interactive, you likely want to ask the user for new security credentials and not use the API again until a new API token is provided. Ideally, your interactive app doesn’t ever run into the case that a users' role doesn’t permit an action, but it can happen especially if you cache data and it gets out of sync (for example the projects a “freelancer” user has access to). If you run into this issue, it’s a good idea to invalidate your caches and fetch the data from the API again.On creating or updating, if required fields are missing,
422 Unprocessable Entity
is returned.There was an unhandled exception on the server side:
500 Internal Server Error
: This is rare, but can happen in exceptional circumstances. The best thing to do is to try the same call later.There’s a timeout or a network issue and the connection is dropped without response. This is rare but it does happen. Try the call again.
There are currently four user roles in Freckle: administrator
, owner
, member
, and freelancer
Each Freckle user is assigned to one of these roles. Depending on the role, certain parts of the API may not be available. For each resource, this documentation explains which roles have access and if there are any per-role restrictions (for example, a user with the “freelancer” role doesn’t have access to all projects).
Data Formats
The Freckle API can accept and return data in JSON or XML.
Because it’s awesome, we’ll mostly use examples in JSON in this documentation, however, XML works just as well.
There’s no default format—to choose the data format you need to either add
a .xml
or .json
extension to URL you are calling, or set the
HTTP header to text/xml
or application/json
Field formats
Freckle uses the following field formats:
- IDs are stored as 4-byte integers (range 1 to 2147483647)
- Timestamps are given UTC-based, e.g.
- Dates are given YYYY-MM-DD, e.g.
There’s limits on the text length of some fields, but, with the exception of tags which are limited to 30 characters, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll hit those.
API Test Account
You can use our API test account for testing your code. The data from this test account will be regularly wiped—don’t rely on your test data being there the next day. Also note that you might not be the only person using this token at a certain time.
Domain: apitest.letsfreckle.com
Token: lx3gi6pxdjtjn57afp8c2bv1me7g89j
If you do any kind of non-trivial client application or have special needs for API testing, we recommend that you create a Freckle account specifically just for testing your application, so you can be sure your data stays intact while you develop!
Try it now!
$ curl -H "X-FreckleToken:lx3gi6pxdjtjn57afp8c2bv1me7g89j" https://apitest.letsfreckle.com/api/projects.json

"project": {
"group_name": null,
"remaining_minutes": null,
"name": "From iPhone 5",
"billable": true,
"created_at": "2011-02-04T06:12:31Z",
"cached_tags": [ /* ... */ ],
"minutes": 15,
"import_id": null,
"updated_at": "2011-10-19T15:59:56Z",
"account_id": 5039,
"billable_minutes": 15,
"enabled": true,
"id": 40413,
"project_group_id": null,
"user_id": null,
"unbillable_minutes": 0,
"budget": null,
"color_hex": "55c9ef",
"budget_minutes": null,
"invoice_recipient_details": null,
"stepping": 15
/* ... */
$ curl -H "X-FreckleToken:lx3gi6pxdjtjn57afp8c2bv1me7g89j" https://apitest.letsfreckle.com/api/projects.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<projects type="array">
<account-id type="integer">5039</account-id>
<billable type="boolean">true</billable>
<billable-minutes type="integer">7440</billable-minutes>
<budget type="integer" nil="true"></budget>
<cached-tags type="yaml"><!-- YAML of cached tags --></cached-tags>
<created-at type="date time">2009-10-16T09:04:50Z</created-at>
<enabled type="boolean">true</enabled>
<id type="integer">8475</id>
<import-id type="integer" nil="true"></import-id>
<invoice-recipient-details nil="true"></invoice-recipient-details>
<minutes type="integer">7560</minutes>
<name>Fixture Company</name>
<project-group-id type="integer" nil="true"></project-group-id>
<stepping type="integer">5</stepping>
<unbillable-minutes type="integer">120</unbillable-minutes>
<updated-at type="date time">2011-10-19T15:59:56Z</updated-at>
<user-id type="integer" nil="true"></user-id>
<minutes type="integer">7560</minutes>
<budget-minutes nil="true"></budget-minutes>
<remaining-minutes nil="true"></remaining-minutes>
<unbillable-minutes type="integer">120</unbillable-minutes>
<group-name nil="true"></group-name>
<!-- ...more projects -->