API: Entries
The entries resource represents logged time. Each entry, at the minimum, is assigned to a user, has 0 or more minutes logged and has a date set (all other fields, including project, tags and description are optional).
Jump to: List | Create | Update | Delete | Import
List & Search
GET /api/entries
The parameters to list and search entries via the API is very similar to the blue quick reports box in the Freckle user interface.
Supported options for searching are:
: comma separated user idsprojects
: comma separated project idstags
: comma separated tag ids or names (can be mixed, multiple tags will search using AND)from
: entries from this dateto
: entries to this datebillable
: true only shows billable entries; false only shows unbillable entries
Entries are returned sorted descending by date.
Please note that API call can return a very large number of entries and might take a while to execute. Currently we're not limiting the number of returned entries, but we reserve the right to do so in the future (and add paging).
All roles can list entries. Freelancers will only see entries made by themselves in projects they currently have access to.
Structure of an entry
Here’s an example entry and a description of all the fields returned.
"entry": {
// ID of the entry (integer)
"id": 1711626,
// date the time is logged for YYYY-MM-DD
"date": "2012-01-09",
// User ID the time is logged for (integer)
"user_id": 5538,
// false if entry or project are unbillable
"billable": true,
// UTC timestamp when entry was created
"created_at": "2012-01-09T08:33:29Z",
// logged time in minutes (integer)
"minutes": 60,
// UTC timestamp when entry was last updated
"updated_at": "2012-01-09T08:33:29Z",
// full description text (includes tags)
"description": "freckle",
// All following fields are OPTIONAL
// (optional) project_id, can be null
"project_id": 37396,
// (optional) array of tags assigned to entry
"tags": [
"name": "freckle",
"billable": true,
"id": 249397
// (optional) link to source of entry (e.g. Github commit)
"url": null,
// (optional) UTC timestamp when entry was added to an invoice
"invoiced_at": null,
// (optional) Invoice ID
"project_invoice_id": null,
// (optional) set if imported from a file
"import_id": null,
// all following fields are deprecated, and will
// be removed in the next API version
"time_to": null,
"recently_updated_at": "2012-01-09T08:33:29Z",
"description_text": "",
"formatted_description": "",
"money_status": "not_invoiced",
"time_from": null,
"billable_status": "billable"
Please note that in Freckle an entry does not have to belong to a Project so the
project_id field is optional. It's set to null
in JSON or
<project-id type='integer' nil='true'/>
in XML
when there's no project assigned to an entry. Make sure your application does not
expect project IDs to be present.
Creating entries
POST /api/entries
This call creates a single entry. The data for the entry must be given in the post body, as either XML or JSON.
Sample request:
file in the current directory:
$ curl -v -d @entry.json -H "Content-type: application/json" -H "X-FreckleToken:lx3gi6pxdjtjn57afp8c2bv1me7g89j" https://apitest.letsfreckle.com/api/entries.json
looks like:
"entry": {
"minutes": "2h",
"user": "apitest@letsfreckle.com",
"project-id": 8475,
"description": "Freckle RESTful API test",
"date": "2012-12-02"

file in the current directory:
$ curl -v -d @entry.xml -H "Content-type: text/xml" -H "X-FreckleToken:lx3gi6pxdjtjn57afp8c2bv1me7g89j" https://apitest.letsfreckle.com/api/entries.xml
looks like:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project-id type="integer">8475</project-id>
<description>freckle restful api test</description>

Entry attributes
These are the required attributes when creating new entries:
(required) is a string containing the amount of time which should be
logged for the entry. Freckle uses the same logic that the QuickEntry box uses
to parse the minutes field:
0:01 → 1 minute
0:30 → 30 minutes
0.5 → 30 minutes
1 → 1 hour
5 → 5 hours
5m → 5 minutes
15 → 15 minutes
15h → 15 hours
If you do your own time parsing, we recommended to use the HH:MM
in this field.
(required) is the date the entry should be logged for, given as YYYY-MM-DD.
The following fields are optional:
(optional) can contain a user ID, the email address of a user
or the full name of a user (first name and last name separated by a single space).
If no user is given time is logged for the user authorized by the API token.
(optional) specifies the ID of the project the entry should be
associated with. This field takes precedence if project_name
is given also.
(optional) specifies the name of the project the entry should be
associated with.
(optional) contains the entries description, including tags. Tags are any
substrings of the description that are not preceded by a “!!”,
are one or two words in length, start and end with the beginning of the
entry, the end of the entry or a comma “,”, are 30 characters or less in
total and don’t start with a “!”.
Here are some examples how tags are parsed:
// no tags; description text: "This is a description."
"This is a description."
// tags: TagA, Tag B; no description text
"TagA, Tag B"
// tags: TagA, Tag B; description text: ThisWouldBeATagButItsLongerThan30Chars
"TagA, Tag B, ThisWouldBeATagButItsLongerThan30Chars"
// no tags; description text: "TagA, TagB"
"!!TagA, Tag B"
// tags: TagB; description text: "TagA"
"!TagA, Tag B"
// tags: TagA; description text: "TagB"
"TagA, !Tag B"
// tags: TagA; description text: "This is quite the description"
"This is quite the description, TagA"
A “!!” anywhere in the description will stop tag parsing afterwards.
Descriptions are automatically normalized by Freckle, by removing any extra whitespace, and moving tags to the front in alphabetical order.
Response codes
201 Created
means that the entry was successfully created in is now visible in Freckle. The Location
header in the HTTP response contains the path to this
new entry in the API. This path contains the entry ID which your application can
store so it can update the same entry later.
Here’s an example response:
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Server: nginx/1.2.1
Date: Sun, 02 Dec 2012 20:56:54 GMT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 1
Connection: keep-alive
Status: 201 Created
Location: /api/entries/3187878
X-Runtime: 33
Cache-Control: private, max-age=0, must-revalidate
422 Unprocessable Entity
means the request data was not valid, for example a
required field was omitted, or the exact same entry was submitted within the last
minute (this prevents duplicates).
All roles can access this resource. Freelancers can only create entries in for projects which they currently have access to (you can query the list of projects through the Projects resource.
Update entries
PUT /api/entries/<id>
Update a single entry, that is not invoiced and doesn’t belong to an archived project.
$ curl -v -X PUT -d @entry.xml -H "Content-type: text/xml" -H "X-FreckleToken:lx3gi6pxdjtjn57afp8c2bv1me7g89j" https://apitest.letsfreckle.com/api/entries/33.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project-id type="integer">8475</project-id>
<description>freckle restful api test</description>
Entry attributes
See POST /api/entries for a reference.
Response codes
200 OK
is returned when the entry was updated successfully.
422 Unprocessable Entity
means the request data was not valid, for example a
required field was omitted, the entry is already invoiced or that the entry belongs
to an archived project.
All roles can access this resource. Freelancers can only create entries in for projects which they currently have access to (you can query the list of projects through the Projects resource.
Deleting entries
DELETE /api/entries/<id>
Delete a single entry, that is not invoiced and doesn’t belong to an archived project.
curl -v -X DELETE -H "X-FreckleToken:lx3gi6pxdjtjn57afp8c2bv1me7g89j" https://apitest.letsfreckle.com/api/entries/33.xml
Response codes
200 OK
is returned when the entry was deleted successfully.
422 Unprocessable Entity
means that the entry is already
invoiced or that the entry belongs to an archived project.
All roles can access this resource. Freelancers can only create entries in accessible projects. You can fetch the accessible projects through the Projects resource.
Bulk import
POST /api/entries/import
Use this API method instead of individual calls to POST /api/entries to create a larger number of entries at once. This is great when you want to import existing data to your Freckle account, and also a great fit for applications that collect data offline and want to bulk upload entries in one go.
This is not the same as the *data import* functionality in the Freckle UI (where you can import files from various other services). Imports done with this API call can not be automatically rolled back.
$ curl -d @entries_import.xml -H "Content-type: text/xml" -H "X-FreckleToken:lx3gi6pxdjtjn57afp8c2bv1me7g89j" https://apitest.letsfreckle.com/api/entries/import.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project-name>Fixture Company</project-name>
<description>freckle restful api test, bulk import</description>
<description>freckle restful api test, bulk import</description>
Entry attributes
Entry attributes are the same as for POST /api/entries
Please note that for historical reasons, for bulk imports only the `project_name` field takes precedence over the `project_id` field if both are given.
Response codes
200 OK
means that the the bulk import completed successfully. The response body will contain
an array of the newly created entries:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<entries type="array">
<billable type="boolean">true</billable>
<created-at type="date time">2009-10-16T09:57:22Z</created-at>
<date type="date">2009-10-11</date>
<description>freckle restful api test, bulk import</description>
<id type="integer">83601</id>
<minutes type="integer">120</minutes>
<project-id type="integer">8475</project-id>
<updated-at type="date time">2009-10-16T09:57:22Z</updated-at>
<url nil="true"></url>
<user-id type="integer">5538</user-id>
<billable type="boolean">true</billable>
<created-at type="date time">2009-10-16T09:57:22Z</created-at>
<date type="date">2009-10-12</date>
<description>freckle restful api test, bulk import</description>
<id type="integer">83602</id>
<minutes type="integer">30</minutes>
<project-id type="integer" nil="true"></project-id>
<updated-at type="date time">2009-10-16T09:57:22Z</updated-at>
<url nil="true"></url>
<user-id type="integer">5538</user-id>
422 Unprocessable Entity
means the no entries where created,
for example when the import data didn’t contain any items, or all
entries referenced users that don’t exist or a no longer active.
Every role except for freelancers can use the import entries API method.