Core Effects Overview

The seven core effects Effect.Opacity, Effect.Scale, Effect.Morph, Effect.Move, Effect.Highlight, Effect.Parallel, Effect.Tween are the foundation of the Visual Effects JavaScript library.

Availability V1.0 and later.


The basic syntax to start an effect is:

new Effect.EffectName(element, required-params, [options]);

element can be either a string containing the id of the element, or a Java Script DOM element object.

required-params depend on the effect being called and may not be needed. Most effects do not have required parameters. See the documentation for the core effects to learn if the effect has required parameters or if this parameter should be omitted.

The options parameter is used to give any additional customization parameters to the effect. There are general and effect-specific options. It’s called like this:

new Effect.Opacity('my_element', { 
  duration: 2.0,
  transition: Effect.Transitions.linear,
  from: 1.0, 
  to: 0.5

Common Parameters

All core effects support following settings in their options parameter:

Option Description
duration duration of the effect in seconds, given as a float. Defaults to 1.0.
fps Target this many frames per second. Default to 25. Can’t be higher than 100.
transition Sets a function that modifies the current point of the animation, which is between 0 and 1. Following transitions are supplied: Effect.Transitions.sinoidal (default), Effect.Transitions.linear, Effect.Transitions.reverse, Effect.Transitions.wobble, Effect.Transitions.flicker, Effect.Transitions.pulse, Effect.Transitions.spring, Effect.Transitions.none and Effect.Transitions.full.
from Sets the starting point of the transition, a float between 0.0 and 1.0. Defaults to 0.0.
to Sets the end point of the transition, a float between 0.0 and 1.0. Defaults to 1.0.
sync Sets whether the effect should render new frames automatically (which it does by default). If true, you can render frames manually by calling the render() instance method of an effect. This is used by Effect.Parallel().
queue Sets queuing options. When used with a string, can be ‘front’ or ‘end’ to queue the effect in the global effects queue at the beginning or end, or a queue parameter object that can have { position: ’front/end’, scope: ’scope’, limit: 1 }. For more info on this, see Effect Queues.
delay Sets the number of seconds to wait before the effect actually starts. Defaults to 0.0.

Additionally, the options parameter also can be supplied with callback methods, so you can have JavaScript executed at various events while the effect is running. The callbacks are supplied with a reference to the effect object as a parameter.

Callback Description
beforeStart Called before the effects rendering loop is started, or as soon as it is added to a queue.
beforeSetup Called before the effect is setup.
afterSetup Called after the effect is setup and immediately before the main effects rendering loop is started.
beforeUpdate Called on each iteration of the effects rendering loop, before the redraw takes place.
afterUpdate Called on each iteration of the effects rendering loop, after the redraw takes place.
afterFinish Called after the last redraw of the effect was made.

Effect instances have the following useful properties and methods:

Variable Description
effect.element The element the effect is applied to.
effect.options Holds the options you gave to the effect.
effect.currentFrame The number of the last frame rendered.
effect.startOn, effect.finishOn The times (in ms) when the effect was started, and when it will be finished.
effect.effects[] On an Effect.Parallel effect, there’s an effects[] array containing the individual effects the parallel effect is composed of.
effect.cancel() Stop the effect as is.
effect.inspect() Get basic debugging information about the instance.

var myEffect = new Effect.Opacity('my_element', { 
  duration: 2.0,
  transition: Effect.Transitions.linear,
  from: 1.0, 
  to: 0.5
// example instance properties
myEffect.element; // $('my_element')
myEffect.currentFrame; // 12
myEffect.cancel(); // stop animation

Transitions Demo

Reset demo

new Effect.Move(this, {
   x: 200, 
   transition: Effect.Transitions.spring 